The museum is open Wednesday 12-5pm and Thursday - Sunday 12-6pm Please note the museum will close at 4pm on Thursday, May 16th and 3pm on Saturday, May 18th


Sol Aramendi and Lunicorns, Trans-Altar, 2018. Mixed-media installation.

TRANS-ALTAR: Sol Aramendi & Lunicorns

Nov 01, 2018 - Nov 28, 2018

TRANS-ALTAR is a socially engaged art collaboration between Lunicorns and the artist Sol Aramendi. Following the ancient Mexican tradition of Dia de Muertos, which celebrates the life of loved ones that have passed away, Lunicorns and Armendi created a mix media altar installation in our Living Room Gallery to honor the lives of transgender individuals killed in acts of violence and discrimination here in the U.S. and abroad. Lunicorns is a Latinx LGBTQ community that aims to create a safe space for the LGBTQ Latinx community centered in the voices of Trans women in Staten Island under the umbrella of La Colmena Community Job Center. The mix-media installation includes photographs, videos, stories, and records of their deaths.

Lunicorns: Alejandra Morán, Alexa Arizmendi, Billay Benítez de Enamorado, Erik Guerrero, Fanny Romero Cabello, Gala Santander, Hugo Cruz, Jessica Kishá Aquino, Vivian Hernandez, Jonás Pavia, José Ángel Molina, Liam Mejia Moran, Martha Rosas, Miranda Paredes, Perla Sarahi Antonio Martínez, Sofia Alejo. Wallpaper Design: Andrea Chiney; Publication Design: Clarisa Diaz; Dance Instructor: Camilo Godoy; Writing Instructor: Claudia Prado

Partners: Transgrediendo Intercultural Collective, Oasis, Pride Cente, Staten Island, TransLatina Network, Make the Road, Consulado de Mexico.

The Workers Studio by Sol Aramendi is supported by the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Southwest Airlines, and the Surdna Foundation through a grant from the NALAC Fund for the Arts Grant Program. Additional Funding is provided by the Ford Foundation and Open Society Foundation.

Poets & Writers funded the writing workshop in Spanish by Claudia Prado through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.
