The museum is open Wednesday 12-5pm and Thursday - Sunday 12-6pm

Brontez prunell

Brontez Purnell, 100 Boyfriends Mixtape/ Episode 3: HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER VACATION, 2020, still from digital video. Courtesy of the artist.

Remote Intimacies

Oct 07, 2020 - May 27, 2021

Remote Intimacies is a series of new and experimental performances created specifically for online viewing and commissioned and co-organized with ONE Archives in Los Angeles and the Museum. Debuting October 7 on Zoom, the invited artists will explore how to sustain intimacy in these highly mediated times and how to imagine opportunities for communion across temporal and geographic distances. The series takes its title from scholar Karen Tongson’s theory on the powerful resonance of shared consumption and their capacity to “bring people, things, and concepts together, even if space and time dictates their dispersal and isolation."

Participants/ performances include works by Brontez Purnell, Graduation (October 7, 2020); Joseph Liatela, Vital Response (November 18, 2020); Mikki Yamashiro, Candy Pain goes to Washington (December 16, 2020); HH Hiaasen and Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, Support Wetness (February 7, 2021); Young Joon Kwak, Stranger at Home (March 4, 2021); Katarzyna Perlak, Broken Hearts Hotel (April 11, 2021); and Dayna Danger, Buckskin Babes Hide Tanning Camp (May 27, 2021).
