The museum is open Wednesday 12-5pm and Thursday - Sunday 12-6pm - Please note that the museum will close at 4PM on May 1st.

Ben Ross Davis Endosymbiosis Image Leslie Lohman Full

Ben Ross Davis, Endosymbiosis (Legs), 2019, Iron, aluminum alloy, clay, urethane, 36 x 46 in. Courtesy the artist.

BEN ROSS DAVIS: Endosymbiosis

Feb 28, 2018 - Mar 24, 2018

Installed in the Museum’s Living Room Gallery, Endosymbiosis is a selection of illustration, sculpture, and photography that navigates the erotic subconscious produced as a result of being split between the digital, natural, and mechanical worlds. This work explores how the traditional distinction between human, animal, plant, fungus, and machine is a fiction that denies the material and psychic affinities among all four of these categories in our lives. Through transgenic botanics, mechanophilia, radioactive clinical imagery, and embedded extremities; all works display adapted chimeric forms of internal gestation. Davis’ practice suggests that there needs to be a space between queer allegory and concepts within scientific theory to help us better survive our hybrid existence. The works are precipitations from his most recent publication Thr0mb0. The installation will also have a communal queer reference library featuring publications that have impacted Davis’ queer friends’ lives and art practices.

About the artist: Ben Ross Davis is a Brooklyn and Berlin-based artist working across performance, illustration, photography, sculpture, sound, and digital media. His work is concerned with reconstructing and reconfiguring identity and how that manifests in the material worlds he lives between. His work is documentary in form via organic industrial hybridization. He currently has two publications, Thr0mb0 and Nastic Movements, available at Printed Matter and has recently shown work or performed at Kunstraum LLC, LES Gallery, the Pratt Institute Library, and David Zwirner.
